Download Incorporating Corpora: The Linguist and the Translator by Gunilla Anderman, Margaret Rogers PDF

By Gunilla Anderman, Margaret Rogers

Protecting a couple of eu languages from Portuguese to Hungarian, this quantity comprises many new reports of translation styles utilizing parallel corpora concentrating on specific linguistic positive factors, in addition to broader-ranging contributions on translation 'universals'. bankruptcy 1 units the scene via tracing the origins of contemporary corpus-based experiences to past advancements in Linguistics.

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The approaches featuring in these discussions have been linguistic, cognitive and social. The first two relate to the categories of translation product and translation process. The third draws on sociocultural research, which has often been hostile to general laws, but may conceivably contribute to generalisations as well Á at least by pointing out their limits. Most research into translation universals has been linguistically oriented. The study of universals originated in corpus studies: corpus methods are well suited for the discovery of large-scale tendencies, and can therefore be expected to continue to play a major role in universals research.

Xiao, Z. and McEnery, A. (2004a) Aspect in Mandarin Chinese: A Corpus-based Study. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. Xiao, Z. and McEnery, A. (2004b) A corpus-based two-level model of situation aspect. Journal of Linguistics 40 (2), 325Á 363. Zanettin, F. (1998) Bilingual comparable corpora and the training of translators. Meta 43 (4), 616Á 630. Zhou, Q. and Yu, S. (1997) Annotating the contemporary Chinese corpus. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 2 (2), 239Á 258. Chapter 3 Universal Tendencies in Translation ANNA MAURANEN Introduction When we discuss the influence of one language on another, the question often arises what effect translation might play in this.

The Linguist and the Translator 17 Kennedy, G. (1998) An Introduction to Corpus Linguistics. London and New York: Longman. Kenny, D. (2001a) Corpora in translation studies. In M. ) Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies (pp. 50Á 53). London: Routledge (assisted by K. Malmkjær). Kenny, D. (2001b) Lexis and Creativity in Translation: A Corpus-based Study. Manchester: St. Jerome. Lewis, D. (1992) Computers and translation. In C. ) Computers and Written Texts (pp. 75Á 113). Oxford and Cambridge, MA: Blackwell.

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