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By Janice Hamlet

During this well timed quantity, editor Janice D Hamlet has selected essays which light up numerous points of African American tradition, refracted throughout the lens of Afrocentric proposal. The e-book examines: Afrocentric ideology and method; Afrocentric ways to the dynamics of conversation; the Afrocentric impact at the black aesthetic, with an exam of language, literature, oral culture, video clips and tv; and the way forward for Afrocentric visions.

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I would include in this group those African Americans who are more concerned with mashing what is unique in African and African American culture into existing paradigms than they are with indicating what is unique. , Robert Stepto and Houston Baker; see also my forthcoming book, Signposts, for more discussions. 8. See my review of Shelby Sreele’s The Content of Our Character in Word and also my review of Reflections on An Affirmative Action Baby in the Spring 1992 issue of Word. 9. This essay can be found in Reconstructing Kemetic Culture, Papers, Perspectives, Projects, edited by Maulana Karenga.

The obvious shortcoming ensuing from this approach is that such theories seek to understand and predict behavior without consideration of the significantly different cultural perspectives, social conditions and historical realities. A risky endeavor, to say the least. In short, the utilization of the qualitative approach will yield enormous benefit currently; however, once Afrocentric theories have been developed, a quantitative analysis of these will be necessary. Always keeping in mind, however, that these theories are not stagnant because people are always changing their attitudes and behavior.

The second involves the developing and testing of theoretical models which [is] consistent with the philosophical world view [Another way of saying technical knowledge]. [Finally], demonstrating the particular way in which that world view manifests itself or is affected by contemporary factors [Again, generating technical knowledge]. However, this bifurcated interpretation of knowledge overlooks an important tenet of the Black Studies discipline, the nexus between the academy and the community.

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