Download Low Temperature Physics-LT 13: Volume 2: Quantum Crystals by Heinz Horner (auth.), K. D. Timmerhaus, W. J. O’Sullivan, E. PDF

By Heinz Horner (auth.), K. D. Timmerhaus, W. J. O’Sullivan, E. F. Hammel (eds.)

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4. The value of a of 1/20, which is rather a small fraction , provides a reasonably good fit. An encouraging result emerged from the experiments of Kirk and Adams. In fields of 60 kG and for volumes of24 cm 3/mole thermal equilibrium times in the solid were found to be less than 1 min, so that it is almost certain that their sample was in thermal equilibrium with their thermometer. The important qualitative conclusion to be drawn here is that the data of Kirk and Adams show deviations from the nearest-neighbor Heisenberg model in a direction which favor:; a ferromagnetic contribution from higher-order exchange.

Placzek, Phys. Rev. 86,377 (1952). l. R. K. E. A. Young, Phys. Rev. Lett. K. D. Thesis, University of California, Berkeley, 1968, unpublished. Magnetic and Thermal Properties of Solid and Liquid 3He Near the Melting Curve* D. Lee Laboratory of Atomic and Solid State Physics Cornell University, Ithaca, New York Progress in the study ofbcc solid 3He and of properties of 3He along the melting curve has been extremely rapid in the past few years. Pomeranchuk cooling and highfield superconducting magnets have made the temperature region below 15 mOK and the magnetic field region above 20 kG accessible to the low-temperature experimentalist.

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