Download Radiation Belts: Models and Standards by J. Lemaire, D. Heynderickx, D. N. Baker PDF

By J. Lemaire, D. Heynderickx, D. N. Baker

Released by means of the yankee Geophysical Union as a part of the Geophysical Monograph sequence, quantity 97.

The fascinating new result of CRRES and SAMPEX convey that there are extra actual resources of vigorous electrons and ions trapped within the Van Allen belts, a few of which have been thoroughly unexpected.
The NASA and Russian empirical types of the radiation belts have to be up to date and prolonged. to stipulate alternative ways to accomplish this job and to spot the fewer popular points of actual and empirical types of the radiation belts have been the goals of a workshop held in Brussels, October 17-20, 1995, entitled "Radiation Belts: types and Standards." It was once attended through over 60 delegates from all significant laboratories concerned about constructing new actual in addition to empirical versions of the strength and spatial distributions of lively electrons and ions trapped within the geomagnetic box.

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McIlwain, Departmentof Physics,Universityof California at SanDiego, La Jolla,California, DynamicPhysicalModellingof TrappedParticlesfor SatelliteSurvey S. Bourdarie and D. Boscher DepartementdeTechnologieSpatiale,CERT-ONERA, Toulouse T. Bentier Centred'EtudesSpatialesdesRayonnements, Toulouse The measurements made on board AMPTE and CRRES are striking examples of the importanceof the magneticactivity in determiningparticle (electronand proton)dynamics. We haveattemptedsuchan approachto modelwith a four dimension codein the phasespacebasedon adiabaticinvariantsand the Boltzmanequation.

LOO Interplanetary 0 (X100) -- _ _ _ x _ 0 _ A > 60 ø a mixture of ACRs and GCRs is observed. At mid- - ""'-. At A • 45ø a population of trappedACRsis observed. 8 approximatelyboundsthetrapped T lO•_ _ _ fluxes (see discussionin text). _ _ _ number of details in the model. To illustrate the distribution N 1 of Blake and Friesen [1977], althoughthey have modifieda _ _ _ of ACRs observed over the _ _ SAMPEXorbitFigure5 showsmeasured kineticenergyvs. invariantlatitude(A) for oxygennucleiwith > 15 MeV/nuc.

Invariantlatitudefor oxygen ionsobservedduringsolar-quietdaysfrom 7/92 to 2/94. Calculated geomagneticcutoffs for particles arriving from the west (estimatedby StOrmerdipoleapproximation)are shownfor singly-ionized (Q = +1) and fully strippedoxygen (Q = +8). At latitudes "-. lOO Interplanetary 0 (X100) -- _ _ _ x _ 0 _ A > 60 ø a mixture of ACRs and GCRs is observed. At mid- - ""'-. At A • 45ø a population of trappedACRsis observed. 8 approximatelyboundsthetrapped T lO•_ _ _ fluxes (see discussionin text).

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