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By Silvia Bertoni

Le parole italiane представляет широкий спектр упражнений и игр для обучения, памяти и расширения словарного запаса. Первый раздел посвящен изучению слов с точки зрения лексики, идиоматических выражений, идиом и изменения смысла слов в различных контекстах. Второй раздел представляет грамматику и лексику. Благодаря четким и фундаментальным карточкам и оригинальным мотивирующим упражнениям, сопоставляется с изучением тем обычно не рассматриваемых в учебниках.

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One way to explain this is to realise that a beginner's deviant behaviour would more readily be regarded by society as 'erroneous' rather than 'innovative': while both may be applied to the same mode of behaviour (or its products), the different values assigned to them make all the difference in the world! Such a conservative tendency is further enhanced if would-be translators receive reinforcement from socialisation agents, especially powerful ones, holding to dated norms themselves. e. e. according to mainstream norms.

Gideon Toury: Yes, but basically in a prospective way of thinking about translation. Peter Newmark: Of course, for me as a teacher, it is the prospective view of translation, rather than the retrospective view, which most interests me. Gunilla Anderman (University of Surrey): Gideon, are there times when you wish you had called 'norms' something else? And if you had, do you think we would be having a different type of discussion? Gideon Toury: No, I don't. There is always a problem when you devise something which is new, even if it is not absolutely new but building on previous ideas.

And even though I have been working with the notion of norm for 25 years, I would not pretend to have all the answers to the questions I myself ask. There are probably many questions I have never even asked! I do not see anything wrong with this. In one of my articles I called translation studies an 'optimistic discipline' because there is always some new question to address. And I do research into translation because it is a fascinating issue. Theo Hermans: When you say that you should let the corpus generate the questions, you are putting the cart before the horse.

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