Download 505 Unbelievably Stupid Webpages by Dan Crowley PDF

By Dan Crowley

Whilst sheep believe completely satisfied that they cannot use desktops, it's because. 505 Unbelievably silly Webpages finds the Internet's most eldritch, funniest and total dumbest websites.

With greater than 25,000 copies offered this new version is totally up to date and revised to incorporate the main strange web content to emerge within the previous few years.

You'll by no means forgive your self should you omit those insane, laugh-out-loud sites:

-Marshmallow Bunny Survival Tests
-The Corn Cam
-The Leonard Nimoy should still devour extra Salsa Foundation
-The digital Stapler
-Star Wars Gangsta Rap
-Squirrel Hazing: The Untold Story
-Poke Alex within the Eye: the sport

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I tell you, if that isn’t a stupid tack-on to a goal like that, I don’t know what is. com/cdc/scooby/darkside There’s the real Scooby Doo gang, and then there’s the Nega-Scooby Doo Gang. That’s right. The Nega-Scooby Doo Gang is comprised of the real group’s evil counterparts. ” The funniest profile, in my opinion, is the sixth one: Scrappy Doo! They claim that Scrappy is a double agent whose objectives are to “annoy the real Scooby Doo Gang,” “REALLY annoy the real Scooby Doo Gang,” and “REALLY REALLY annoy the real Scooby Doo Gang” (sounds about right to me).

The monkey has a leather jacket on, and it says his favorite food is birthday cake. ) COMMENTS: Another pitiful site. This site is so stupid it’s not even funny. I can only wonder what weirdo thought this up. He or she must have been so bored this was the only thing to do to keep from going crazy. html The adventures of the rednecks are here! Well, not really. This is a site featuring some photos and stories from a redneck family. There are photos of the trailer park they live in, photos of their home, a redneck family tree, and other random photos, stories, and tidbits of information.

OK, I put that last one in for fun, but this web page answers the other two. Here’s how it works: you start up the test and a window will pop up, cueing you to press the button when the screen changes colors. Judging on how fast you click the button, this site will give you a rating. COMMENTS: This is pretty cool. It’s kind of addictive, actually. (I don’t need practice, do I? ) And if you do get addicted, I can’t help you. You’ve been warned! com Here’s more fun from the Great. Space. Captain.

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