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By Nadira Auty, Rachael Harris, Clive Holes (auth.)

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Then you will hear the whole dialogue. Start with the phrase shu isbn HaDirtak? ) kwaysa, (pl) kwaysiin jiddan iHda9sh itna9sh talaatta9sh arba9ta9sh xamasta9sh sitta9sh saba9ta9sh tamaanta9sh tisa9ta9sh 9ishriin kbiir, (pl) kbaar Sghiir, (pl) Sghaar walad, (pl) iwlaad izamumkin awwal taani from Britain from America from Jordan day only two days how much, how many nice, fine beautiful, pretty very eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty big, old small, young boy, child if possible, please first second; other balad kam yoom Saar lak (lik) boon?

Inti min landan? u in-naas? Samira ----------? jamiila jiddan. Samira ----------? kwaysiin Samira ? laa, ana mish min landan, min liidz. Helen Helen Helen 8 Your tum to speak. You are going to take part in a conversation. Respond to the questions. Nadira will guide you. Give your answers in Arabic, then listen to the correct version. The Gilead Mounrains, Norrhem Jordan UNIT2 27 n Dialogues 4 Where exactly is Yousif from? John Yousif John Yousif John Yousif John Yousif John Yousif John min ween hi DH-DHabT ya9ni?

I9mali is a feminine command form, which we will meet in Unit 13. The masculine is i9mal. is-'single' U-9aadi the ordinary single [room] haadi biduun Daraa'ib willa ••• ? is that without taxes or... • sitta u talaatiin thirty-six, xamsa u arba9iin forty-five. The numbers between the units often are formed on the 'one-and-twenty, two-andtwenty, seven-and-sixty' principle, using the unit numbers you encountered in Unit 1, combined with the tens listed in the Key words and phrases section of this Unit.

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