Download Apache Struts 2 Web Application Development by Dave Newton PDF

By Dave Newton

This e-book takes a transparent method, concentrating on one subject according to bankruptcy, yet interspersing different concerns within the mainline textual content and in bankruptcy detours. Taking a pragmatic procedure, it discusses agile internet improvement utilizing Struts 2, with lots of examples for larger figuring out. This ebook is for Java builders who're attracted to constructing net functions utilizing Struts. if you want a complete advent to Struts 2.1, in addition to an important elements of extra net software improvement applied sciences, agile programming practices, instrument construction, and alertness lifestyles cycle administration this booklet is for you. you do not need to understand JavaScript and CSS to take advantage of this ebook because the writer will train you the necessary fundamentals. while you're a Struts 1 or WebWork person and want to move forward and migrate to Struts 2, this useful advisor is additionally for you

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Apache Struts 2 Web Application Development

This ebook takes a transparent method, targeting one subject in line with bankruptcy, yet interspersing different matters within the mainline textual content and in bankruptcy detours. Taking a realistic technique, it discusses agile net improvement utilizing Struts 2, with lots of examples for higher realizing. This e-book is for Java builders who're drawn to constructing net purposes utilizing Struts.

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This seems unnecessarily cruel. However, I really want to foster an attitude of exploration, discovery, and familiarization, with the framework and the tools we can use to expand our own knowledge and skills. Yes, I'm a little mean. By poking around we learn much more than having all the answers handed to us on a silver platter. (Especially, as it's a simple matter of looking inside the blank application WAR file. ) The biggest drawback to this approach, despite its simplicity, is that as soon as we start adding libraries (which we do in the next chapter), we don't necessarily understand the relationships between required libraries.

We'll get to this magic soon! When we request /whichresult, we'll see either the odd or the even page. After a few clicks, we'll likely see both results, letting us know the magic of Convention is working. Configuring the Convention Plug-in with annotations If Convention's defaults don't suit us, we can use its annotations to configure the action. For example, the @Action annotation can change or add action mappings beyond what Convention automatically provides. Complete documentation, along with many examples, is available on the Struts 2 documentation wiki.

Even if the bulk of our application's functionality resides in service objects, actions are where the service objects are instantiated and used. In this chapter, we'll examine Struts 2 actions further. While the mantra of "actions are POJOs" echoes in our heads, extending the ActionSupport class provides us with quite a bit of functionality, including internationalization (I18N), validation, and so on. Much of this functionality is provided by a combination of interface implementations and interceptors.

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