Download The Inner Magnetosphere: Physics and Modeling by Tuija I. Pulkkinen, Nikolai A. Tsyganenko, Reiner H.W. PDF

By Tuija I. Pulkkinen, Nikolai A. Tsyganenko, Reiner H.W. Friedel

Published by means of the yankee Geophysical Union as a part of the Geophysical Monograph Series.

As we turn into a space-faring tradition, there's an expanding desire for trustworthy ways to forecast the dynamics of electromagnetic fields, thermal plasma, and vigorous debris within the geospace surroundings, as a majority of these elements impact satellite-borne structures. From the electrodynamics perspective, nonetheless, the interior magnetosphere is a key point within the Sun-Earth connection chain of methods. such a lot significantly, it's a area the place an important a part of the storm-time strength enter from the sun wind is deposited and dissipated.

Because the main fascinating and crucially very important phenomena, as famous, strengthen particularly as regards to Earth (in the transition area setting apart the innermost quasi-dipolar geomagnetic box from the magnetotail), realizing them is a posh job. furthermore, the more suitable the disturbance, the deeper its influence penetrates into the internal magneto-sphere. during this sector plasma now not behaves like a fluid, and the movement of vigorous charged debris turns into very important for the dynamics of the approach. This truth leaves “particle simulations” as a prime instrument for learning and figuring out the dynamics of the interior magnetosphere in the course of storms. An essential portion of such simulations is an electromagnetic box version. fresh reviews of the interior magnetosphere have considerably superior our figuring out of its dynamics whereas growing new paradigms and reviving previous controversies.


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