Download Tapestry 5 : A step-by-step guide to Java Web development by Alexander Kolesnikov PDF

By Alexander Kolesnikov

This publication is a realistic step by step instructional in the event you are looking to construct modern, real-life net purposes with Tapestry five, the Apache open-source framework for developing dynamic, strong, hugely scalable net functions in Java. It exhibits the trail of least resistance, in order that the reader can research all of the crucial talents fast and simply. to provide the reader an preliminary functional event, an easy yet invaluable internet software is equipped in the course of the chapters. This booklet is when you are looking to construct refined Java net purposes speedy and simply. It assumes that the reader is fairly pleased with the Java programming language, yet no wisdom of net applied sciences is required. for skilled Servlet, JSP, or Struts builders, the publication will convey another manner that might let them elevate their productiveness to an incomparable point. With this e-book you can see a latest component-based framework may be effortless to profit and a excitement to paintings with.

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In this case, the application has only one page—Start, so the component links this page to itself. That is, when the link is clicked on, the same page will be redisplayed (in other words, it will be refreshed). Tapestry 5 is in many cases case-insensitive. In this case, you are free to write the name of the component and of the page in any case you like, for example, like this: refresh There is also another piece of Tapestry instrumentation in this template, an expansion that looks like this: ${currentTime} Expansion is a kind of window through which we can see the value of a property in the page class.

Click on the project name in Project Explorer and press F5, or alternatively right-click on the project name and click on Refresh. You will see how the code packages have appeared under the Java Resources: src folder. java file a little and see how the changes are reflected by the application when we run it. Date; /** * Start page of application t5first. */ public class Start { public String getCurrentTime() { Date date = new Date(); String message = ". Tapestry is cool! "; return date + message; } } [ 41 ] Creating Your Working Environment Right-click on the name of the project in Project Explorer and in the context menu select Run As | Run on Server.

This is shown in the following screenshot: [ 36 ] Chapter 2 In the next dialog, you need to tell Eclipse where exactly you have installed Tomcat. Click on the Browse... button, navigate to the installation directory, select it, and click on Finish. The final result of the server selection should look like this: [ 37 ] Creating Your Working Environment Now click on Finish. Eclipse will create the new project and suggest that you switch to the Java EE perspective, its default perspective for working with Web projects.

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