Download Sams Teach Yourself PHP in 10 Minutes by Chris Newman PDF

By Chris Newman

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However, a single letter and number or a longer combination would not match. ) character indicates that the preceding item may appear either once or not at all. The same behavior could be achieved by using {0,1} to specify the number of times to repeat a pattern. Some Practical Examples You use regex mostly to validate user input in scripts, to make sure that a value entered is acceptable. The following are some practical examples of using regular expressions. Zip Codes If you have a customer's zip code stored in $zip, you might want to check that it has a valid format.

Compound Operators Compound operators provide a handy shortcut when you want to apply an arithmetic operation to an existing variable. The following example uses the compound addition operator to add six to the current value of $count: $count += 6; The effect of this is to take the initial value of $count, add six to it, and then assign it back to $count. 1. 1. Compound Operators Operator $a += $b $a -= $b Equivalent To $a = $a + $b; $a = $a - $b; 37 38 $a *= $b $a /= $b $a %= $b $a = $a * $b; $a = $a / $b; $a = $a % $b; Operator Precedence The rules governing operator precedence specify the order in which expressions are evaluated.

The following examples, which use the * and + characters, are very similar to one another. They both match a string of any length that contains only alphanumeric characters. However, the first condition also matches an empty string because the asterisk denotes zero or more occurrences of [[:alnum::]]: if (ereg("^[[:alnum:]]*$", $phrase)) ... if (ereg("^[[:alnum:]]+$", $phrase)) ... 60 61 To denote a group of matching characters that should repeat, you use parentheses around them. For example, the following condition matches a string of any even length that contains alternating letters and numbers: if (ereg("^([[:alpha:]][[:digit:]])+$", $string)) ...

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