Download Professional PHP6 (Wrox Programmer to Programmer) by Ed Lecky-Thompson PDF

By Ed Lecky-Thompson

Publishing in tandem with the long-awaited liberate of Hypertext Preprocessor 6, this publication finds the interior scoop for pushing the bounds of the way to maximise the complete characteristic set of Hypertext Preprocessor 6. You’ll tips on how to use Hypertext Preprocessor 6 within the greater scheme of enterprise-class software program improvement and useful examples and behind-the-scenes info will increase your talents for designing and development greater large-scale, high-performance systems utilizing Hypertext Preprocessor 6.

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When accessing properties, you need only one $. The syntax is $obj->property, not $obj>$property. This fact often causes confusion for those new to PHP. The property variable is declared as public $property and accessed using $obj->property. In addition to the variables that store the values for the properties of the class, other variables may be declared for use by the internal operations of the class. Both kinds of data are collectively referred to as the class’s internal member variables. Some of these are accessible to code outside the class in the form of properties.

Having built the application, you’ll learn the importance of quality assurance (QA) and testing, and how to approach it on a medium- to large-scale project, as well as an often overlooked topic: how to actually get your project live (otherwise known as deployment). xxxi Introduction Part IV: Pushing PHP to Its Limits The final section of the book is about providing you (as an aspiring PHP professional) with some truly impartial advice from developers just like you — people who have been there, done that, and bought the T-shirt.

However, inexperienced PHP developers (or those with no software development experience) are highly encouraged to start with Beginning PHP6, Apache, MySQL 6 Web Development (Wiley, 2009). What Does This Book Cover? The beauty of PHP is its accessibility and shallow learning curve. Virtually anyone with basic computing knowledge can pick it up and start putting together simple, dynamic Web sites. Indeed, it is qualities like these that have led to PHP powering more than 20 million Web sites across the globe, a figure that is growing by the thousands every day.

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