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By Brian Cowan

This publication presents an creation to the final ideas of nuclear magnetic resonance and rest, focusing on easy types and their software. It contains an creation to the information and functions of nuclear magnetic resonance and emphasizes the ideas of rest and the time area. a few quite complex subject matters are handled, however the method is graduated and all issues of capability trouble are conscientiously defined. An introductory classical dialogue of leisure is via a quantum-mechanical remedy. a variety of case experiences is taken into account extensive, offering purposes of the guidelines constructed within the textual content. there are various appendixes, together with one on random features. This therapy of 1 of an important experimental recommendations in smooth technology should be of significant price to final-year undergraduates, graduate scholars and researchers utilizing nuclear magnetic resonance, really physicists, and particularly these concerned with the research of condensed topic physics.

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Firstly Planck's constant has cancelled out, telling us that the resultant equation is not inherently quantum mechanical. Secondly, since the equation is linear in J, the same equation holds for the magnetic moment /i on multiplying through by y. 13). 4 Expectation values There is one further step to go in establishing the equivalence of the classical and quantum descriptions of the behaviour of a magnetic moment in a magnetic field. 13) where x is the set of whatever coordinates are being used to describe the state.

Furthermore we saw that the response X(t) to a transient or delta function force was given by = n [X'(CO)COS(CGO + x"(G))sin(cor)]dco. 24) 00 X"M = \ X(t)sin((Dt)dt. o This Fourier transform relation may be displayed in a more compact and symmetrical manner through the introduction of a complex notation. 26) 38 2 Theoretical background Now the principle of causality implies that X(i) is zero for negative times: there can be no response before the delta function force is applied. Thus the lower limit of the integral may be extended to minus infinity, giving an expression which is then the usual complex Fourier integral transform (Appendix A).

Substituting these quantities into our formula we obtain an induced voltage of approximately 1 mV. 4 Other considerations A millivolt is certainly a measurable quantity although in practice other considerations must be taken into account. We may, for instance, resonate the coil with a capacitor to magnify the observed voltage. Also, thus far we do not know anything about the duration of the precession signal, nor have we considered the electrical noise that will always be superimposed on the signal.

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