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By John Kalb, Paul Palumbo

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In addition,with therigorsof 3D systems,publishers arelookingvery critically at a potentialpartner'stechnology. Many gamesandmultimediatitlesrequireif not bleedingedge,cutarenotavailandthoseproperties ting edge3b enginesandenvironments, coverup a "Content can Jim Boslersays, assets. Mondo Media uses a hybrid model that balancesoriginal production with contract work (about a50150split). Internal projects compete for resourceswith external projects. " McNally believes that is very important in the early days of a company becausethe work flow of a typical title varies depending on what stageit's in.

Time Warner has a partnership alrangement with Acclaim for both Batman F orever and D emolition Man,even though its interactive/arcade subsidiary (formally Atari) has a staff of about 280 and releasesabout 30-40 titles per year. T'WI's Primal Rage title reachednumber one at the arcadelevel in Juneof 1994,andthe companyis now in the processof creating 12 home versions of the title. The first five versions of Primal Rage came out about a year after the title's arcadedebut (in August) and sold in excess of 1 million units.

VCs know theliquidityprocessvery well. That'swherethey maketheir money. Winblad saysSilicon Valley has s0 numerous venture capital attorneys who are often willing to work for reduced fees to get a company financed and build a long-term relationship. Many VCs and VC attorneysare willing to work with companies from acrossthe country. But those attorneys ile often looking for companies that already have a "number of dogs in the dish," or users that love the product, or a previous successindicative of what the company can do.

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