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By United Nations

A UN ebook revenues quantity E 08 II H: three; ST/ESA/PAD/SER E/116. it's a contribution of the United international locations Committee of specialists on Public management.

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In modern capitalist societies, a state organization is legitimate, and its personnel respected, when it is an effective instrument for economic growth. 12 Once it is accepted that public management reform strengthens the state, increases the legitimacy of the democratic regime, and promotes economic growth, the next question is whether this is achieved 12 The survey by Pollitt and Bouchaert (2000), found in the 2004 edition of their book, is definitive on this subject. 43 at the cost of more social inequality.

On the one hand, there is the problem of how to structure or organize state services -- what the strategic core of the state should do, what to delegate to agencies, and which services to contract out; on the other hand, is the question of how to manage the whole system – a matter of process rather than of structure. The organizational aspect of the structural public governance model deals not with the role of the state but with its structure. In the nineteenth century, Marx said that the state was the ‘executive committee of the bourgeoisie’.

If what is needed is just a Weberian type of bureaucracy, consisting of well-selected and well-trained professionals acting without discretion in law enforcement, and a hierarchical and centralized organization with defined lines of authority, there is no need for this discussion. But if, besides a professional civil service, modern states require senior civil servants to have more discretion and to be more accountable for their decisions, and the organization of the state to be more decentralized and involve all sort of partnerships, we have a problem that is worthy of analysis.

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