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By David Fischer

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On 6 December 1941 (the day before Pearl Harbour), the Office of Scientific Research and Development launched the Manhattan Project. , Men and Atoms, Simon and Schuster, New York (1959) 59. E. Oliphant, arriving from the United Kingdom, told the US scientific community about the British programme and offered full British co-operation. , The New World: A History of the United States Atomic Energy Commission, pp. ) Hence, no doubt, Plutocrat! , The Making of the Atomic Bomb, p. 442. , The Making of the Atomic Bomb, p.

Paul M. Hoffman, President of the Monterey Peninsula Council, outlined the preliminary steps taken towards the Manhattan Project. First came an “Advisory Committee on Uranium”. e. ” On 6 December 1941 (the day before Pearl Harbour), the Office of Scientific Research and Development launched the Manhattan Project. , Men and Atoms, Simon and Schuster, New York (1959) 59. E. Oliphant, arriving from the United Kingdom, told the US scientific community about the British programme and offered full British co-operation.

41, concerning the idea of an international pool of fissile material — the idea that was to become the kernel of the 8 December speech. , Nuclear Nonproliferation, Congress and the Control of Peaceful Nuclear Activities, p. 62, quotes Eisenhower’s own words in Mandate for Change. , The History of the International Atomic Energy Agency. , Eisenhower: The Inside Story, Harper, New York (1956) 185. , et al. (Eds), Atoms for Peace: An Analysis After Thirty Years, Annex C, pp. 283–291. A year later, on 4 December 1954, the General Assembly unanimously endorsed Eisenhower’s proposal for the creation of the new agency.

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