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By Ann Truesdell

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If you need a specific look and aren't comfortable writing your own CSS or template code, CalendarX may be the ticket. However, be warned that CalendarX has a history of being sporadically maintained. 5 users at Pennsylvania State University put a week of development work toward it. Its internals still hold a lot of legacy that may prove difficult to maintain as Plone evolves. Plone4Artists Calendar, on the other hand, is a simpler product—both inside and outside and with all the good and bad that entails—and the winds of further community effort are blowing in its direction.

Instead, membership is modeled using relationships, care of the Relations product. Relations keeps a record that "Peggy Smith is related to the Budget Committee and the Security Committee", circumventing the one-container limit. Meanwhile, Peggy herself lives in the top level of the faculty/staff directory, along with everyone else. In database lingo, Relations helps FSD act as a miniature relational database—sidestepping ZODB's strict hierarchy. You, of course, can model your organization's groups without worrying about any of this—except for the following few places where the underpinnings poke through into the user interface: • If you have the Manager role, you will occasionally see a Relations tab while editing within the directory.

From within the directory, pull down the Add new… menu, and choose Person. 2. Fill out some of the person's attributes. Be sure to assign at least one classification to each person, but don't worry about departments, specialties, or committees yet, as we're about to cover them in detail. [ 44 ] This material is copyright and is licensed for the sole use by Betty Vaughan-Pope on 1st February 2010 2601 S Broadway St, Unit 29, La Porte, , 77571 Chapter 3 Group people Most of FSD is geared toward categorizing and correlating people.

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