By Gregory Vogt
Vogt G.L. Earth's outer surroundings (Twenty-First Century Books, 2007)(ISBN 0761328424)
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By rolling up a part of the sail to make it smaller or by unfurling it to make it as large as possible, solar sailors controlled the speed of their spacecraft. Trips to distant planets took a long time, but when their solar spacecraft got there, they still had most of their rocket fuel left for the return trip. Sometimes, rocket scientists consider using solar sails. One day, they may actually build solar sailing ships. Infrared light transports is the radiation from the Sun that transports the Sun’s heat to Earth.
So how does it generate its magnetic field? The field comes from electric currents in the molten inner core. The molten iron of the inner core is in constant motion. Convection currents (such as the currents in a boiling pot of soup) cause the molten iron to rise and fall in big swirling arcs. The superhot material deep in the inner core expands and slowly floats up to the top of the inner core. There, heat is transferred to the overlying mantle. This causes the 51 CONVECTION CURRENTS Although very slow, movements of material within Earth’s layers produce Earth’s sheltering magnetic field.
It squashes the lines together on the side of Earth nearest the Sun while stretching them out on the opposite side. The effect is similar in appearance to the ripples of water in a river as the water passes around a projecting rock. The ripples are 61 SOLAR WIND AND THE MAGNETOSPHERE Earth’s magnetosphere provides the first line of defense against the charged partical radiation in the solar wind. close together on the upstream side of the rock. They stretch out in a teardrop shape on the downstream side.