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There will never be a case in which it wiII act as a federal Government on the States and not on the individual Citizens" (Farrand, 1964, vol. II, p. 6, 14 July 1787). federalism. Rather it was a practical expedient to save the Union (and the Convention) from dissolution. Proportional representation had won on the preliminary bouts, and delegates from small states reacted intensely. ) even threatened that the small states would "find some foreign ally [sci: Great Britain] of more honor and good faith, who will take them by the hand and do them justice" (Farrand, 1964, vol.

Both small-state delegates and both later active opponents of ratification of the Constitution. Lansing was indeed intense: "The States will never feel a sufficient confidence in a general Government to give it a negative on their laws" (Farrand, 1964, vol. J, p. , legislative veto] is to be attained, the States must be entirely abolished" THE INVENTION OF CENTRALIZED FEDERALISM 35 (Farrand, 1964, vol. I, p. 337, 20 June 1787). And Lansing's intensity impressed others. When the veto came up the second time, it got short shrift.

There will never be a case in which it wiII act as a federal Government on the States and not on the individual Citizens" (Farrand, 1964, vol. II, p. 6, 14 July 1787). federalism. Rather it was a practical expedient to save the Union (and the Convention) from dissolution. Proportional representation had won on the preliminary bouts, and delegates from small states reacted intensely. ) even threatened that the small states would "find some foreign ally [sci: Great Britain] of more honor and good faith, who will take them by the hand and do them justice" (Farrand, 1964, vol.

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