Download Bureaucracy and the Alternatives in World Perspective by Keith M. Henderson, O. P. Dwivedi PDF

By Keith M. Henderson, O. P. Dwivedi

This quantity seeks to discover bureaucratic varieties of administrations within the "Third global" and choices to them. not like different works within the box of improvement and comparative public management, numerous unconventional techniques are incorporated and an issue is made for gendered, ecological, and non secular perspectives. specialists with large adventure in improvement are assembled to accommodate problems with reform, indigenization, and fascinating futures. total views are supplied facing types of improvement, Non-Governmental businesses, feminist reviews, and ecological considering, in addition to chapters on global areas.

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In many instances, these traditional values are at odds with Western-style development, secular politics and cold efficiency. While the administrative machinery continues to function within professed secular values, fundamentalism gets reflected not only in the political process but also finds expression in the style of administration. These tensions and conflicts should be appreciated so that the demands of fundamentalism and the role of religion are accommodated within the needs of development administration.

Sustainable development, however, changes people’s perceptions about their resources. It divides resources into natural capital (non-renewable and renewable), human-made capital, and cultural capital. It recognises both the need to generate economic progress and the limitation of natural resources. Politically, each government has an obligation to assume the responsibility of guiding its nation’s progress towards sustainable development. It can reinforce principles in its legislature, executive policies and investment decisions.

Notes and References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. P. Dwivedi, Development Administration: from Underdevelopment to Sustainable Development (London: Macmillan Press, 1994), pp. 1–41. Clyde Sanger, ‘Pearson’s Eulogy’, International Journal, no. 325 (1969–70), p. 179. Irving Louis Horowitz, Three Worlds of Development. The Theory and Practice of International Stratification (New York: Oxford University Press, 1966), pp. 3–14. R. Hensman. Rich Against Poor. The Reality of Aid (Harmsworth: Penguin, 1975), chapter 3, passim.

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