Download A Strategic Chess Opening Repertoire for White by John Watson PDF

By John Watson

Such has been the approval for John Watson's ground-breaking works on smooth chess procedure and his insightful beginning books, that it's only normal that he now provides a strategic starting repertoire.

It is the chess-player's holy grail: a versatile repertoire that offers competitors actual difficulties yet doesn't require lots of memorization or continuous research of ever-changing grandmaster concept. whereas this ebook can't fairly promise all of that, Watson bargains an fascinating collection of traces that supply gigantic scope for over-the-board creativity and will by no means bring about a lifeless draw.

The repertoire relies on 1 d4 and a couple of c4, following up with methodical play within the centre. Watson makes use of his colossal starting wisdom to select crafty move-orders and toxic sequences that might strength rivals to imagine for themselves, delivering a real try out of chess figuring out. all through, he discusses suggestions for either side, so readers should be totally able to pounce on any inaccuracies, and feature all of the instruments to choose the main applicable plans for White.

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C2) 7 . tZ'le7 8 0-0 and Black's king has to go to the queenside, but will find it uncomfort­ able there as well: 8 ... :te l g5 ? 1 3 tZ'la4 with UNORTHODOX QUEEN'S GAMBIT a strong attack, Andersson-Calvo, Palma de Mallorca 1 972. We now return to the position that arises af­ ter 4... tg5 is also playable, but so as not to clutter things up, I'll only talk about the exchange cxd5 and ... 22. c5, his most important freeing move. e5 by maintaining pressure on d5, so Black has to do without his two key liberating ideas.

Cxd4 . .. 2. 1 } 9. te6 .. White has to play very accurately to gain any meaningful advantage against this simple de­ veloping move . txc5 ... c8 postpones recapture until White commits. c 1 ! xf6 1 3 li:le l ( 1 3 'ir'a4 b6 ! 'ir'a5 1 4 li:ld3 ;\;, b) 1 o... e5 (Orlov-Mayka, Chicago 1 994) 1 6 li:\c5 ! b8 1 7 e4 li:lf6 1 8 'ir'b3 ± (Grivas). f5 1 4 li:le I ! g6 1 5 li:ld3 gives TARRASCH DEFENCE White the ideal blockader; in De Jong-Schenke­ veld, Hoogeveen 2006, Black got his pawn back after 1 5 ..

C32) 10 . ;) l l . g4 ( l l . 'ifd5 ! tfS 1 2 tt:lh4! :c8 1 3 tt:lf6+ ! xf3 �xd4 ( 1 3 . Vukovic-Kostic, Yugoslav Ch, Zagreb 1 946; White has an active bishop-pair on a wide­ open board. e7 Over the years, other moves have fallen by the wayside: a) 7 . e3 cxd4 (8 . ;. cxd4 8 tt:lxd4 'iib6 9 tt:lxc6! (a stan­ dard resolution of the pawn-centre which works when White is ahead in development) 9 ... e? I I tt:la4 ! ( I I e4! e3 ! ; is best, since 1 2 . . g4 14 f3 ( 1 4 :e 1 ) 1 4. ; Rubinstein-Salwe, Lodz 1 908.

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