Download Building Online Communities with phpBB 2 by Stoyan Stefanov PDF

By Stoyan Stefanov

This ebook offers the ability to take advantage of phpBB to establish and run your individual on-line dialogue boards conveniently, and increase your individual web group. It takes you thru the total means of developing your phpBB website, and is helping you create, customise and deal with your individual on-line group with phpBB. Written by means of skilled phpBB directors and lovers, the emphasis is on easy, and sensible counsel that you should get the main from phpBB. This e-book is written through phpBB lovers for brand spanking new and intermediate clients. it truly is perfect when you are simply beginning with on-line groups and need a strong and loose device, or if you have already begun with phpBB and need to take it additional. a person with a simple wisdom of HTML and a willingness to benefit approximately phpBB will take advantage of this ebook.

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Now it's a good idea to familiarize yourself a bit with the administration panel. And you can do this right away by editing some general configuration variables. Time For Action—Initial Configuration Using the Administration Panel 1. e. com/forum. It looks like the following screenshot. 32 This material is copyright and is licensed for the sole use by Jason on 25th September 2005 10465 Waterfowl Terrace, , Columbia, MD, 21044 Chapter 2 2. Log in using the form at the bottom of the page. Depending on how the installation ended, you may be logged in already.

33 This material is copyright and is licensed for the sole use by Jason on 25th September 2005 10465 Waterfowl Terrace, , Columbia, MD, 21044 Installing and Configuring phpBB Most of the fields in this form are pre-filled with values that are just fine as the phpBB installer set them, but some are better if edited. What follows is a list of fields of interest: General Board Settings Site name: A friendly name for your site: often, the domain name. It will appear at the top of every page. com, and you can see it in action in the previous screenshot.

The only registered user of the board is the admin user that you created while installing. At the top of the screen, next to the phpBB logo, there's a set of links that go together with some small icon images. These links represent the main navigation of the forum. One of the links is the link to register and become a member of the community. Off we go! Registration There are three steps to the registration procedure—reading and accepting the registration terms, filling out the user profile form, and (optionally) a registration confirmation by e-mail.

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