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By Abdelkrim Bahloul; ArtMattan Productions

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If the shoe fits laddie?? Well. I. . well. . t it?? he asked sheepishly. Just a wee bit.? I enjoyed meself tonight, Shanna Kathryn, and I hope ye did too.? I did Amos, more than ye can ever know. Will I see ye tomorrow?? Amos stopped and looked up at the starry hosts before turning to grin at me. Yes ye will be seeing me. t ye be staying up too late, as yer going ta be needing yer rest. t ye forget ta try and remember where we have met.? Because me vain opinion of meself, still suffers over that one.?

At that moment a sharp knock came upon our cabin door. Shanna Kathryn, wake up!? came the urgent plea. s Amos!? I thought. Is that ye, Amos?? Yes it is! I need ta speak with ye immediately.? Hesitating for only a moment, I opened the door and there he was looking every bit as handsome as I remembered him. t think I was ever going ta wake ye.? Well ye did. t wait till morning, ta tell me?? He peered down the hallway in both directions before turning an intense gaze upon me. Something about his manner put me on edge and I felt the unease I had sensed earlier, after reading my psalm, return.

The cabin was dark, but a sliver of light could be seen coming in under the door. Why am I up?? I wondered. At that moment a sharp knock came upon our cabin door. Shanna Kathryn, wake up!? came the urgent plea. s Amos!? I thought. Is that ye, Amos?? Yes it is! I need ta speak with ye immediately.? Hesitating for only a moment, I opened the door and there he was looking every bit as handsome as I remembered him. t think I was ever going ta wake ye.? Well ye did. t wait till morning, ta tell me??

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