Download The Kingmaking (Pendragon's Banner Trilogy) by Helen Hollick PDF

By Helen Hollick

Arthur is a tender boy, printed because the new Pendragon. He needs to serve a troublesome apprenticeship less than his enemy if he's to be successful. Gwenhwyfar is his formative years sweetheart who unearths herself a political pawn in a perilous fight. this can be the 1st quantity within the "Pendragon's Banner" trilogy.

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Arthur jerked his thumb in the direction of the chapel. 'She will be mortified if you find her in such a situation. You fetch my brother,' Etern protested. Equally emphatically, Arthur countered with, 'Where do I look? Where do I find one busy man among buildings I do not know? ' Arthur gave the boy a firm push towards the south stairway, then ran to the north steps leading down besidethe low orchard wall that met with the chapel and the door that, moments before, Branwen had pulled shut. His enthusiasm waned as he approached the door, disappeared altogether as he reached tentatively out to push it open.

Dark thoughts of black places and slamming doors chased through his mind, of her laughter and his heart thudding, thudding. `Do I? You lead a good enough life here, Etern of Gwynedd. Your father is an honourable lord. You say you know the realities. Do you? What do you truly know of hatred and malice? Out there' – Arthur gestured towards the horizon – `out there, men die bloody deaths. There is no law, only an instinct to survive. Men take that instinct home to their womenfolk, who become dulled by sickening reality.

Glowering at his sister's rebuke, Etern shuffled away from the window and plonked himself on the bed. `I'm bored,' he admitted with a heavy sigh. ' He nodded in the vague direction of Morgause's chamber. Still at the window, Gwenhwyfar knelt on the floor and shuffled herself into a more comfortable position. Morgause's chamber was just visible, away across the vegetable plot and a little to the right. Gwenhwyfar fiddled with the bandage around her wrist, chewed her lips, watched a worm-seeking blackbird hopping in the wake of the gardening slaves.

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