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By P. L. Gaus

The peaceable city of Millersburg, Ohio, within the middle of Ohio's Amish nation, is rocked by way of the vicious homicide of 1 of its electorate by the hands of an ex-convict. whilst a neighborhood reporter protecting the tale finally ends up lifeless besides, with the convict already in the back of bars, suspicion falls on David Hawkins, father of the 1st sufferer. yet Hawkins is nowhere to be came upon, no longer even one of the protecting Amish colony that had taken him in as one in every of its personal despite his shadowy earlier. Following at the severe and renowned good fortune of his first ebook, secret author P. L. Gaus back brings us an ethical and criminal conundrum as Professor Michael Branden, Sheriff Bruce Robertson, and Pastor Cal Troyer got down to discover the fact that turns out so elusive of their another way quiet nook of the area. alongside the way in which, Gaus paints a special portrait of the connection among the Amish and the "English" cultures as noticeable from the interior. by contrast backdrop, damaged English is a story of honor, deception, and revenge, the place conditions and the hunt for justice try out the mettle of the nearest of buddies and display the determined measures of the most powerful of foes.

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After a brief delay, Ellie and Branden heard the door to Robertson’s office open, and presently he appeared at the front counter, lumbering along slowly as he read a typed page. When he saw it was Mike Branden at the counter, he tossed the page into Ellie’s in-box, held out his hand from behind the counter, smiled, grinned, and then laughed and said, “Well I declare. ” Branden shook Robertson’s hand, held on to it firmly, and 49 pulled the big sheriff out across the counter. Robertson sent the professor a challenging schoolboy look, laughed, and then faked a panic tone.

Branden waved her off and held Niell’s eyes with a boyish grin. “Something like that,” Niell said and settled self-consciously 21 into the wicker. ” Branden sat up a bit. “We’ve always gone fishing together after I’m done with commencement. I haven’t spoken to Cal in several weeks, but I expect I’ll see him at our usual pond sometime this afternoon. Probably about three or four. Maybe later. ” Niell asked. “Not for several weeks, maybe more,” Branden said and waited. He glanced over to Caroline and looked back to Niell.

Hawkins knew Troyer in Vietnam. ” Niell rose from the white wicker chair, moved to the tall 27 screened windows, poked his thumbs under the front of his duty belt, and looked out eastward for a spell. He ran a palm over his short, black hair, and then he turned from the screens and explained. “After I reported the incident with Hawkins in the jail that night, Robertson did some checking. He thinks Bromfield did the same thing, finding out about Hawkins. S. Army Special Forces team. Part of an elite unit.

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