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By Lee Brown

Within the Nineteen Fifties the infamous condo Un-American actions Committee introduced a ruthless smear crusade and outright assault opposed to enormous quantities of work leaders, academics, leftists, Communists, civil servants, filmmakers, civil rights activists, etc it accused of conspiring to overthrow the govt.. at the foundation of very little facts contributors have been dragged ahead of HUAC and careworn and threatened. Many misplaced their jobs or have been jailed in the event that they didn't cooperate with a Committee that flagrantly trampled definitely the right of freedom of speech and condemned participants for organization with innovative factors. One guy who stood tall and refused to cooperate with the diabolical Committee used to be Lee Brown, an African American exertions activist and a pacesetter of an interracial union of waterfront staff in New Orleans. For his brave act Brown quickly misplaced his freedom yet now not his dignity. He used to be attempted and unjustly convicted of violating the Taft-Hartley Act that prohibited Communist celebration participants from additionally serving because the leaders of work unions. Brown spent greater than years in federal felony yet his militancy and dedication to the fight for staff' rights and civil rights remained undiminished. robust within the fight tells the robust tale of the political awakening of Brown as a early life from the agricultural South, his existence from formative years between bad black farmers, his encounters with the Jim Crow approach of racial segregation and racial violence, his discovery of the alterations which may be received while operating humans equipped into unions, his upward thrust to management and his time of imprisonment, and his carrying on with advocacy of the beliefs of racial equality and socialism. informed in his personal phrases, it really is an attractive tale that follows him as a tender guy from Louisiana to Texas as a shipyard employee, to Arizona as a railroad employee, to l. a. and Hollywood the place he labored in eating places and as a bit-part actor in the course of international conflict II, to the docks of latest Orleans and the nice motels of San Francisco because the Civil Rights an

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Chairman, I refuse to answer questions until I make my statement. I am not answering any question, period. Kearney: Are you an American citizen? Brown: I refuse to answer questions until I make my statement. Kearney: Aren't you proud to answer that question? Brown: Until I make my statement. Kearney: Let me say to the witness, from your answers here, I notice you fail to take advantage of your rights to seek refuge behind any of the amendments you so desire to the Constitution. Do you decline to answer on the grounds of the fifth amendment that to truly answer might incriminate you?

He has thrown himself into the senior citizen's movement, working with such organizations as the Senior Action Network and Legal Assistance to the Elderly and marching in demonstrations in Sacramento demanding more state aid for seniors. Lee Brown's story continues a time-honored tradition of African American autobiography stretching back to the slave narratives. Like others in this tradition, it is a story of determined struggle and resistance to oppression, not by an isolated individual but by a person who is rooted in his community and shares the community's travails and struggles; it is an oft-told story of the search for freedom and a better life for self and community.

Chairman, I suggest if you can't get any answer from him, you ask the marshal to escort him from the room. Willis: That will be taken into consideration. Arens: Mr. Witness, as a prerequisite to obtaining your witness fee, it is necessary for you to affix your signature to the pay vouchers. This is the pay voucher that you will get your witness fee for appearing today. Will you kindly affix your signature? Brown: I don't sign anything, Mr. Chairman, period. Arens: Now, Mr. Witness, I lay before you a photostatic copy of a non-Communist affidavit dated July 23, 1951, signed by yourself, here in New Orleans in which you say that you are not a member of the Communist Party or affiliated with the party.

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