Download SAS ACCESS 9.1 Interface to CA-Datacom DB: Reference by The SAS Technical Team Writers PDF

By The SAS Technical Team Writers

Benefit from the facility of SAS as you research and current facts without delay from CA-Datacom/DB databases. there is not any possibility to database integrity, due to the fact CA-Datacom/DB defense degrees and MVS safety are absolutely supported. you could supply entry services to as many, or as few, clients as important. during this name, you'll tips on how to practice the next initiatives with this SAS/ACCESS interface: create SAS/ACCESS descriptor records utilizing the entry technique, without delay entry facts in CA-Datacom/DB tables from inside of a SAS application, utilizing the descriptor records created with the entry technique, extract CA-Datacom/DB information and position it in a SAS facts dossier utilizing the entry process or the information step, replace facts in CA-Datacom/DB tables utilizing the SQL technique, the APPEND approach, SAS/FSP software program, or SAS/AF software program. additionally, you will learn how to print, plot, and chart the information defined via the descriptor records and use it to create different SAS info records. This identify includes reference info required by way of purposes programmers, finish clients, and directors who have to use CA-Datacom/DB info with SAS.

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However, SAS data files are organized to provide optimal performance with PROC and DATA steps. Programs using SAS data files often use less CPU time than when they read CA-Datacom/DB data directly. 42 Performance Considerations 4 Chapter 4 3 If you plan to read large amounts of data from a CA-Datacom/DB table and the data is being shared by several users (multi-user environment), your direct reading of the data could adversely affect all users’ response times. 3 If you are the creator of a table, and you think that directly reading this data would present a security risk, you might want to extract the data and not distribute information about either the access descriptor or view descriptor.

INV’; run; The following output shows the one-way frequency table this example generates. 0 For more information about the FREQ procedure, see the Base SAS Procedures Guide. Using the MEANS Procedure Suppose you want to determine some statistics for each of your USA customers. USAORDR accesses records from the ORDER table that have a SHIPTO value beginning with a 1, indicating a USA customer. The following example generates the mean and sum of the length of material ordered and the fabric charges for each USA customer.

Creating New Fields with the PROC SQL GROUP BY Clause It is often useful to create new fields with summary or aggregate functions, such as AVG or SUM. Although you cannot use the ACCESS procedure to create new fields, you can easily use the SQL procedure with data that is described by a view descriptor to display output containing new fields. ALLEMP, which is based on the CA-Datacom/DB table EMPLOYEES. When this query (as a SELECT statement is often called) is submitted, it calculates and displays the average salary for each department.

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