Download Nanoparticles and Brain Tumor Treatment by Gerardo Caruso, Maria Caffo, Giuseppe Raudino, Francesco PDF

By Gerardo Caruso, Maria Caffo, Giuseppe Raudino, Francesco Tomasello

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Title: Nanoparticles and mind Tumor Treatment
Author: Caruso, Gerardo, M.D./ Caffo, Maria, Ph.D., M.D./ Raudino, Giuseppe, M.D./ Tomasello, Francesco, M.
Publisher: Amer Society of Mechanical
Publication Date: 2012/10/12
Number of Pages: 99
Binding sort: HARDCOVER
Library of Congress:

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If the nanoparticle is coated by polymer, the release is then controlled by diffusion of the drug from the polymeric membrane. Membrane coating acts as a drug release barrier and thus drug solubility and diffusion in or across the polymer membrane becomes a determining factor in drug release. Furthermore, the release rate also can be affected by ionic interactions between the drug and auxiliary ingredients. 2 Nanoparticle functionalization NP functionalization represents the first step towards NP drug delivery systems.

Recently, the use of bisphosphonates, such as zoledronic acid, was explored as a treatment strategy, given its ability to inhibit the release of growth factors essential for cancer cell growth and differentiation in bone. Emerging data from several clinical trials serves to highlight a potential anticancer effect of zoledronic acid, as well as chemotherapeutic synergy with established drugs [124]. However, zoledronic acid has an extremely rapid blood clearance and preferential accumulation in bone, necessitating encapsulation in nanoparticles.

Several phase II studies showed promising activity of PLD in recurrent ovarian cancer patients with response rate ranging from 16 to 25% [118]. Bevacizumab is a recombinant humanized monoclonal antibody that inhibits VEGF, a growth factor ligand responsible for angiogenesis. Results from several phase III clinical trials comprising colorectal, non-small cell lung and breast cancer, demonstrate that bevacizumab results in superior patient response rates. Bevacizumab can be used as a targeting moiety to enhance the NPs efficacy.

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