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By Christopher P. Nemeth, Erik Hollnagel, Christopher P, Dr Nemeth, Erik, Professor Hollnagel

"This is the 5th publication released in the Ashgate experiences in resilience engineering sequence. the 1st quantity brought resilience engineering generally. the second one and 3rd volumes demonstrated the study origin for the real-world purposes that then have been defined within the fourth quantity: resilience engineering in perform. the present quantity keeps this improvement by way of concentrating on the position of resilience Read more...


This quantity describes how security can swap from being protecting to being effective, thereby enhancing the resilience of the method. this can be the 5th e-book released in the Ashgate stories in Read more...

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P. 127). What failed in a specific disastrous event, as well as who is to blame for it, is not the focus here. , pp. 129舑30). In a societal context, learning from disturbances is often associated with evaluations of what happened and how various actors responded to the event in question. , 2010). 1), requiring that changes are made based on this input. There are many other aspects of learning that are not captured by the generalised function of Evaluation, but, as stated earlier, the generalised functions presented in this chapter are a selection for a specific societal context.

Firstly, feedback from the studies indicates that the use of the framework facilitates increased awareness among the participating stakeholders regarding dependencies and couplings between different functions as well as between different actors, sectors and administrative levels. This is of great importance, especially in a resource-scarce environment, since such awareness may for instance lessen the tendency to work in 舖silos舗, which is not only resource inefficient but also makes it likely to miss important aspects of resilience that are related to the interdependencies in the system.

Contrary to traditional safety thinking, breadth is more important than depth. Cultivate requisite imagination. The measure of an organization舗s success is the ability to anticipate changes in risk before failure and loss occur; to create foresight (Woods, 2000). Adamski and Westrum (2003) describe requisite imagination as the ability to foresee what might go wrong, and maintain a questioning attitude throughout the development process. Aspects of practice they consider essential to this trait include thoroughly defining the task to be performed, identifying organizational constraints, matching the world of the system designer with that of the system user, considering the operational environment and the domain where work will be performed, surveying past failures, using controls appropriate to the tasks to be performed, accounting for potential erroneous actions, and taking conventions and constraints into account.

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