By Paulo Correa, Carlos Pereira, Bernardo Mueller, Marcus Melo
This paper assesses and measures regulatory governance in 21 infrastructure regulators in Brazil. Regulatory Governance is decomposed into 4 major attributes: autonomy; decision-rules; skill and instruments; and responsibility. A score is proposed and the most components for development pointed out. A comparability of the proposed regulatory governance index and different indexes across the world on hand is played. part 2 units up the analytical framework for the file, opting for key parts of regulatory governance, specifically, autonomy (political and financial), methods for decision-making, instruments and capability (including personnel), and responsibility. part three assesses each one of those parts in perform, reporting the result of a survey with 21 regulatory businesses in Brazil, which used to be designed and carried out in 2005. part four measures regulatory governance according to 3 comparable indexes, ranks the Brazilian regulators between themselves, and compares the proposed indexes with different signs on hand within the literature. part five provides the conclusions.
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45 Regulatory Governance in Infrastructure Industries 23 Table 7. 0881 Mean – Standard Deviation – Note: E = electricity, G = natural gas, GTr = ground transportation, I = irrigation, P = petroleum, R = railroads, S = sewerage, Tel = telecommunications, Tr = general transportation, W = water, and WTr = water transportation. Source: Authors’ calculations. relationship between the RGI-83 and the variability of its four components. 50 In addition, the RGI-83 index for those three agencies was above one standard deviation from the mean, which suggests that they are the institutionally best equipped regulatory bodies in Brazil.
Informal request to the agency (2); formal recourse to the agency (12); petition to the governor (3); petition to the state attorney (0); recourse to the judiciary (12). Overwhelmingly for the agency (9); mostly against the agency (0). — Very high (1); high (2); medium (2); low (9); very low (7). Very high (1); high (1); medium (6); low (4); very low (9). — If Yes, they are: oral (8); written (7). Changed the original project (16); retarded (11); blocked the original proposal (4); other (2). Notes: Total number of agencies = 21.
ANTT presented weak results in the decision-making component of the RGI-83 because its decisions are centralized, which can be clearly seen in its answers to questions on transparency (low), access of the general public to its meetings and to the board members’ decisions (low), announcements about meetings (not in advance), and ways of publicizing its decisions (absent). ANTT did not score well in the accountability dimension of the RGI-83—below the mean either. ASEP (Rio de Janeiro) ASEP is the second-oldest state regulatory agency, created in February 1997 by state law number 2686 to regulate Rio de Janeiro’s natural gas, railroads, sewerage, and transportation sectors.