Download Recent Advances in Magnetic Insulators – From Spintronics to by Mingzhong Wu, Axel Hoffmann PDF

By Mingzhong Wu, Axel Hoffmann

This quantity of Solid nation Physics presents a extensive overview on contemporary advances within the box of magnetic insulators, starting from new spin results to skinny movie development and high-frequency functions. It covers either theoretical and experimental development. the themes comprise using magnetic insulators to provide and move spin currents, the excitation of spin waves in magnetic insulators by way of spin move torque, interaction among the spin and warmth transports in magnetic insulator/normal steel heterostructures, nonlinear spin waves in skinny movies, improvement of top quality nanometer thick motion pictures, and purposes of magnetic insulators in rf, microwave, and terahertz units, between others. the quantity not just offers introductions and tutorials for these simply getting into the sphere, but additionally offers finished but well timed summaries to experts within the field.

Solid-state physics is the department of physics essentially dedicated to the learn of topic in its strong part, specifically on the atomic point. This prestigious sequence provides well timed and state of the art experiences touching on all points of solid-state physics.

  • Contributions from major authorities
  • Informs and updates on the entire most modern advancements within the box

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53 54 Ssu-Yen Huang et al. The exploration of spintronics has recently advanced to the exploitation of pure spin currents. A pure spin current contains a flow of spin angular momentum without the accompaniment of a charge current. In a metal, a pure spin current can be realized by compelling electrons of opposite spins to move in opposite directions. A pure spin current can also be carried by spin waves (magnons) in a ferromagnetic insulator or metal. A spin current delivers spin angular momentum using a minimal number of charge carriers in a metal or no carriers at all in a ferromagnetic insulator.

The central quantity that characterizes the SSE is the spin current Js injected into the nonmagnetic metal N, since it is proportional to the experimentally detectable electric voltage via the ISHE (Eq. 5). This quantity can be calculated as the rate of change of the conduction-electron spin density in N as Js ¼ AÀ1<@ tsz(t)> where A is the area of the F/N interface. Performing the perturbative approach in Eq. t ℏA ð1:23Þ where sÆ ¼Ðsx Æ isy and mÆ ¼ mx Æ imy. Introducing the Fourier representaÀiot and using the fact that the right-hand side of Eq.

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