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By Rosalind Driver

The scholar as Scientist intends to offer lecturers and pupil lecturers a greater realizing of the deliberating younger adolescent students in technology classes and to point the problems such scholars have in realizing the extra summary or formal principles with which they're awarded. it's sensible in its orientation because the concerns mentioned are illustrated with examples drawn from discussion and observations made in technology periods. one in all Rosalind Driver's major topics is that technological know-how academics needs to know extra totally and act upon the preconceptions and substitute frameworks which students carry to their research of technology. regardless of is sensible orientation, the publication addresses a few basic questions arguing for a reappraisal of technological know-how instructing in secondary colleges within the mild of advancements in cognitive psychology and philosophy of technology. this can be an available, authoritative and extremely important publication for all keen on the educating of technological know-how within the secondary years.

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24 Even those of us without such credentials can use this type of appeal effectively, such as when we adopt a position that is counter to our background or history. For instance, Walter Mossberg’s argument a few years ago against a proposed operating system for Apple’s Macintosh computer began with the point that he did not relish taking that position. After all, over the years, he had been a staunch Macintosh supporter and was quoted Speech: The Words You Say 27 widely in many of Apple’s advertisements.

What normally would have been a sleeper presentation with eight overheads and polite applause became a provocative call for action that the audience still talked about months later. Granted, such a presentation could not be repeated to the same audience, because the power of the presentation lay in the underlying tension of the audience not knowing exactly what the speaker 42 THE CRAFT OF SCIENTIFIC PRESENTATIONS was doing. Another point that added to the success of this presentation was that both the chosen speech and persona were appropriate for this audience: managers at a laboratory that receives much funding from the Department of Defense.

A more difficult situation arises when you do not know the audience well. Before such a presentation, many good speakers move out into the audience before the presentation and ask questions: What kind of work do you do? Why did you come today? What do you know about the presentation’s topic? This tactic is not only important Speech: The Words You Say 33 for targeting the audience, but also effective at alleviating nervousness (see Critical Error 10). In the situation of the audience not being available beforehand, many good speakers try out their presentation on someone who knows or has the same background as the intended audience.

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