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By Laurel and Associates

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Summarize the plot of the book in one brief paragraph. ) _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ 8. Find your favorite illustration in the book. As you describe it, explain how this drawing works as an aid to the reader’s imagination.

Explain the motive, or driving force, behind the main character’s actions. _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ 6. Review the Glossary definition of quotation. Select a memorable quotation from the novel and write it on the lines. _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ 7. Think about a major event in the story. What was the main character’s point of view about that event?

How did Miles Hendon keep Edward from going to jail? a. He broke in, seized Edward, and escaped with him. b. He arranged for Edward to be flogged in public instead of going to jail. c. He said that if Edward was not freed, he would tell on the officer for blackmailing the woman. 5. What happened at Hendon Hall? a. Hugh thought Miles was a ghost. b. Hugh pretended not to know Miles. c. Miles was welcomed with open arms. 6. In medieval England, property passed down to the eldest living son. So, to whom did Hendon Hall rightfully belong?

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