By Robert Dinwiddie
Because the website the place existence first shaped in the world, a key component to the weather, and a continual yet fragile source, oceans are of important value to our planet. From the geological and actual procedures that impact the sea flooring to the foremost habitat zones, vegetation, and fauna, this is often the definitive connection with the world's oceans for the complete relations. contains an creation by way of Fabien Cousteau. comprises the newest advancements in ocean exploration and images. Catalogs the wealthy range of ocean beneficial properties and marine lifestyles. Highlights vital humans, particular habitats, human effect stories, and severe evidence. released in organization with the yankee Museum of ordinary historical past.
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One-third of the planet’s mass pooled at the center and formed a dense core consisting mainly of iron, the heaviest of the common elements making up Earth. The core became the hottest part of the planet, up to 8,500˚F (4,700˚C), and a source of heat for the molten rocks above. Most materials expand as they are heated, becoming less dense and more buoyant. Vigorous convection cells carried hot, buoyant material upward, where it lost heat by conduction near the surface before sinking again. Lighter materials such as aluminum were left behind at the surface, forming a thin crust.
Greenstone belts above rising mantle flow basalt continuously intrudes from mantle crust pulled apart by convective motion in mantle 45 BANDED IRON WATER AND ATMOSPHERE Known as a banded-iron formation, this layered rock contains iron oxides that formed as the oxygen content of early oceans increased. During the process of differentiation, volatile materials were expelled from Earth’s interior by volcanic activity. The lightest gases, such as hydrogen and helium, would quickly have been lost to space, leaving a stable atmosphere of nitrogen, carbon dioxide, and water vapor.
Scientists measure pressure in units called bars. At sea level, the weight of the atmosphere exerts a pressure of about one bar. To inflate their lungs underwater, divers have to breathe pressurized air or other gas mixtures, but doing DECOMPRESSION STOP so can cause additional To avoid a condition called “bends” that can arise from problems (arising from the dissolution of excess decompressing too quickly, on their way to the surface gas in body tissues). scuba divers sometimes These problems limit have to make timed stops the depths attainable.