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Sim. : Astronomical Photography: A Bibliography, IAU Working Group on Photographic Problems, Edinburgh (1977). Sim. E. in: [21] p. 23. , Hoag. : Advances in Astronomical Photography at Low Light Levels, Annu. Rev. Astron. Astrophys. 17 (1979)43. : Am. Astron. Sot. Photo-Bull. 6 (1972) 15. Van Altena. : Am. Astron. Sot. Photo-Bull. 8 (1975) 18. West. , Dumoulin. : Photographic Reproduction of Large Astronomical Plates, ESO, Geneva (1974). ):Modern Techniques in Astronomical Photography, ESO, Geneva (MTAP) (1978).

The spectral resolutionof a grating spectrometer,fed by a telescope of aperture D, is R=-. 2W sin@ CXD (W =ruled width of grating; 0 =diffraction angle; CI=angular width of slit, or equivalent, projected onto the sky). R=2DW sin&/?. =acceptance angle along the slit on the sky). The maximum 7 is obtained if 0 equals the blaze angle. R product can be increased by larger grating dimensions and/or a larger blaze angle. If the source overfills the slit width of the spectrometer, only linear gain is possible with a larger telescopeaperture.

Appl. Opt. 16 (1977)2942. : Publ. Astron. Sot. Pacific 84 (1972) 161. : Appl. Opt. 2 (1963) 181. : Astron. Astrophys. 65 (1978) L5. Voigt. : Appl. Opt. 17 (1978) 574. : ESO-Messenger20 (1980)8. 1 Introduction The photographic emulsion has been in use as a photon detector in astronomy for more than one hundred years: a historical review is given by Miller [lo]. It has not been made obsolete by advances in electronic detectors because of its unsurpassed information storage capacity (> 10” bits on a 30cm x30cm plate) together with a good spatial resolution (z 10pm), a relatively low cost and, not the least, simple handling.

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