Download Magnetism in Metals and Metallic Compounds by K. W. H. Stevens (auth.), Jan T. Łopuszański, Andrzej PDF

By K. W. H. Stevens (auth.), Jan T. Łopuszański, Andrzej Pękalski, Jerzy Przystawa (eds.)

The lawsuits awarded the following include the notes of lectures introduced through the 11th iciness university of Theoretical Physics, held at Karpacz, Poland, February 19 - March four, 1974. the college used to be essentially dedicated to new options within the idea of magnetism in metals, alloys, and metal compounds, yet, as might be obvious from the desk of contents of the ebook, different issues of the idea of magnetism have been additionally mentioned throughout the lec­ tures. The organizers agreed to any such broadening of the scope with the intention to fulfill specific requests from the Polish individuals for whose gain the college was once equipped. those "local" pursuits are truly mirrored within the complaints and are chargeable for a definite inhomogeneity of the themes chosen for presentation. however, now we have a robust wish that those fabrics should be attention-grabbing to many physicists, not just in Poland, for the topics mentioned listed here are very important not just at the neighborhood point, because the lectures include particularly clean, unpublished effects or very good up­ to-date reports. the 1st a part of the quantity includes lectures at once cor­ responding to the name of the varsity, i.e., chosen issues of the speculation of metal magnetism, with moderate bias towards infrequent earth and actinide metals and their compounds. within the moment part now we have gathered the themes extra loosely attached with the most­ circulate, similar to statistical and thermodynamic facets of varied versions, spin-phonon interplay, and others.

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In the strong-correlation domain b« b g , the atomic moments are reduced from their crystal-field values by only a small fraction of a Bohr magneton. However, as b + b g important reductions in the atomic moment are observed. In the broad-band limit b» b g , a half-filled band gives a weak, temperature-independent susceptibility (Pauli paramagnetism X = 2~B2N(Er)), and a transition from the normal to a superconducting state may occur below a temperature Tcs. As b decreases toward bg , the energy U suppresses Tcs for b < bcs and introduces an enhancement of the susceptibility X via an enhancement of N(Er), the density of states at the Fermi energy.

From equation (7) and first-order perturbation theory, applicable for mobile carriers (see figure 2), the double exchange stabilization energy is ~xD = - zobcos~s, (23) where 0 is the concentration of mobile carriers. Near n£ = 1, an anti ferromagnetic super exchange interaction varying as cosS and a double exchange interaction from the mobile electrons combine to stabilize an angle between neighbouring spins that falls between 0 and 'IT. Such a cant angle can be accommodated either by a spiral spin configuration (AFS) or by a canted spin configuration (FS).

Since the radial extension of the d wave functions decreases with increasing effective nuclear charge, the maximum possible magnetic ordering temperature should increase on passing to heavier atoms of_a transition series for the same valence state. The most straightforward application of these ideas is to the case of a half-filled two-fold degenerate band in a simple cubic array of like transition metal atoms. Orbitals of Eg symmetry in an ABX3 cubic perovskite, for example, correspond to this case.

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