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By Hamilton Paul Traub

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From the microscopic viewpoint, blood flow is pulsatile in lung capillaries, because of their heterogeneous recruitment, and of interferences from the rhythmic activity of the heart and the lungs (Baumgartner et al. 2003; Clark et al. 2011; Tanabe et al. 1998). This heterogeneity may be reduced during exercise due to The Steady-State Concept 33 simultaneous recruitment of a larger number of lung capillaries. Similar heterogeneities have been demonstrated also in contracting skeletal muscles, both in space and in time (Armstrong et al.

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Physiol Rev 91:1447–1531 Shephard RJ (1969) A non-linear solution of the oxygen conductance equation: applications to performance at sea level and at an altitude of 7350 ft. Int Z angew Physiol 27:212–225 Taylor CR (1987) Structural and functional limits to oxidative metabolism: insights from scaling. Annu Rev Physiol 49:135–146 Taylor CR, Weibel ER (1981) Design of the mammalian respiratory system. I. Problem and strategy. Respir Physiol 44:1–10 Verzar F (1912) The gaseous metabolism of striated muscle in warm-blooded animals.

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