Download Issues in Atmospheric and Oceanic Modeling: Part B Weather by Barry Saltzman (Eds.) PDF

By Barry Saltzman (Eds.)

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WMO, Geneva. , and Simmons, A. J. (1983). Medium range weather prediction-operational experience at ECMWF. In “Large-Scale Dynamical Processes in the Atmosphere” (B. J. Hoskins and R. P. ), pp. 337-363. Academic Press, New York. , and Uppala, S. (1982). FGGE 4-dimensional data assimilation. Bull. Am. Meteorol. 63, 29-33. Bjerknes, J. (1966). A possible response of the atmospheric Hadley circulation to equatorial anomalies of ocean temperature. Tellus 18, 820-829. Bjerknes, J. (1969). Atmospheric teleconnections from the equatorial Pacific.

Maps of the day-10 temperature error at 500 and 850 mb and at the 500- and 1000-mb height error are presented as Fig. 19. Looking first at the height field we see very similar error patterns at 1000 and 500 mb with distinct centers of low pressure over the northeastern Atlantic Ocean/Scandinavia and the northern Pacific Ocean. The amplitude of the error increases slightly with height. Consistent with this, areas of too low temperature tend to coincide with the areas of too low pressure, particularly at 500 mb.

As demonstrated by Wallace et af. (1983), the incorporation of an improved orographic representation by using a so-called envelope orography has led to a more accurate prediction of large-scale flow, at least during the winter. A better understanding and modeling of the large-scale stationary forcing is expected to greatly benefit forecasts in the Tropics. As has been demonstrated by Krishnamurti et al. (1983), it is of great importance to have an accurate initial description of the diabatic forcing.

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