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By William J. Kubiak

Introduces the cultures of 25 tribes of Algonquian, Iroquoian, and Siouan inventory. 139 sketches and work, plus a map displaying the location(s) of every tribe.

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The Fox called themselves Meshkwakihug, meaning “red earth people,” believing they were created from red earth. ” The Sauk spoke more slowly and more clearly than the Fox did, but their languages were very similar and probably had the same origin. Possibly the two different tribes had united into one. The Fox in ancient times were very numerous and their warriors were considered to be the finest. Knife and Sheaf They were first found by the Europeans in Wisconsin, near Lake Winnebago and the Fox River area.

During the winter they capture them in nets and under the ice, in this way: They make a slit in the ice near the Beaver’s house, and put into the hole a net, and some wood which serves as bait. ” Another account was written much later by Johann George Kohl during the years 1854–58 in a book titled Kitchi-Gami. He describes a bear trap as follows: “A piece of meat was nailed to the foot of a stout pine, as bait, and formed the attractive point de vue of a narrow, small corridor or apartment, whose walls were made of posts rammed into the ground.

They also wore turbans made of fur and in later years of woven sash. A robe made of several deerskins sewn together was wrapped over the body; this dress was worn single for summer wear, but in winter it was always made double, the furry side forming both the lining and the outside. ] Chippewa Dandy The Chippewa believed that a mysterious power, similar to a spirit, resides in all animate and inanimate objects. These objects, called Manitus, were said to be very active in the summer but in a dormant stage during the winter after the first snow fell.

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