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By Kenneth D. Lawrence

"Applications of administration technological know-how" is a blind refereed serial e-book released on an annual foundation. the target of this examine annual is to give state of the art reports within the software of administration technological know-how to the answer of vital managerial decision-making difficulties. It considerably aids the dissemination of tangible purposes of administration technological know-how in either the private and non-private sectors. quantity thirteen is directed towards the applying of administration technology to monetary administration, particularly in portfolio research and in productiveness administration similar to info Envelopment research (DEA). prepared in sections, the 1st contains a suite of economic purposes papers, whereas the second one specializes in using DEA in such wide-ranging environments as airport operations, freight railroads, gynaecological departments, serious coastal storms, and function overview and class of universities and public colleges. This quantity will end up worthwhile to researchers and practitioners of administration technology and operations examine, in addition to being an important better half to portfolio analysts and business and fiscal engineers alike.

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Returns are measured in percent per quarter. The Sharpe ratio is defined as the mean excess return divided by the standard deviation of return. Figs. 1, 2, and 3 contain plots of the constrained (short sales precluded) frontiers and the unconstrained (short sales permitted) frontiers based on the dividend yield riskfree rate, historic, and CAPM means in panels A, B, and C, respectively. 41 Extreme Mean-Variance Solutions 8 Unconstrained Frontier (No Riskfree Asset) Expected Return (% per quarter) 6 4 RB RL 2 0 Constrained Frontier (No Riskfree Asset) -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Standard Deviation (% per quarter) Fig.

The n-vector of historic means at the beginning of period t is denoted as lHt ¼ ðr1t ; . . ; rnt Þ0 PtÀ1 (8) where rit ¼ 1=kð t¼tÀk rit Þ and k ¼ 32. The choice of 32 quarters for the ‘‘moving’’ window follows the discrete-time power-utility literature. ) This historical approach estimates the means one at a time, relying exclusively on information contained in each of the time series. 26 ROBERT R. GRAUER Stein’s (1955) suggestion that the efficiency of the estimate of the means could be improved by pooling the information across series led to an alternative set of so-called shrinkage estimators that shrink the historical means to some grand mean.

10 4. FOUR ESTIMATORS OF THE MEANS Historical estimators of the means were the first to be employed in the literature. The n-vector of historic means at the beginning of period t is denoted as lHt ¼ ðr1t ; . . ; rnt Þ0 PtÀ1 (8) where rit ¼ 1=kð t¼tÀk rit Þ and k ¼ 32. The choice of 32 quarters for the ‘‘moving’’ window follows the discrete-time power-utility literature. ) This historical approach estimates the means one at a time, relying exclusively on information contained in each of the time series.

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