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By Abd Al-Aziz Duri

The swift growth of the early Islamic global is conventionally ascribed to a mixture of magnificent army management and non secular fervor. during this publication, Abd-Al-Aziz Duri demonstrates how the expansion, improvement, and sturdiness of early Islamic governance derived from hugely refined platforms of management (in which the belief of a Muslim ummah used to be the relevant function) in addition to effective mechanisms for taxation and tax assortment. the truth that in a hugely dynamic interval of Islamic historical past a unbroken method of management may well suffer for a number of centuries, from the early Muslim conquests and the later Umayyad period to the tip of Abbasid rule, is testimony to the political and organizational talents of those early Muslim leaders. Duri's paintings makes an enormous contribution to our realizing of ways Islam proven itself and flourished as a long-lasting significant strength within the improvement of worldwide history.

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In so doing he stirred up the doubts of al-Muktaf∞ who desired to keep the caliphate among the sons of his father, so he summoned the judges and made them witness the pledging of the pact succession to his brother. 189 Thus, it was left up to the vizier, al-≤AbbÆs bin al-√asan, to solve the problem. When the caliph was on the verge of death, al-≤AbbÆs began consulting four kuttÆb (scribes) of some standing and importance: Mu≈ammad bin DÆw∑d, Ibn ≤Abd∑n, Ibn al-FurÆt and ≤Al∞ bin ≤øsÆ, one after the other.

The Umayyads asked him to do this when he was on the verge of death, but he said: ‘No, by Allah, I will not do so. I found no happiness in its sweetness, so how should I find despair in its bitterness? e. 126 Thus, Mu≤Æwiyah II left the field wide open for the collision between the three principles which found those who would epitomise them: Ibn Zubayr represented the Islamic principle; MarwÆn bin al-√akam – the tribal principle; and KhÆlid bin Yaz∞d – the principle of inheritance. Let us discuss the circumstances for the choice of MarwÆn so that we can understand this situation.

113 Mu≤Æwiyah had assumed the caliphate due to the circumstances favouring him during the struggle with ≤Al∞. In any case, his shrewdness and his sword had their influence in his coming to power. In Mu≤Æwiyah’s triumph over the concept of election to determine the caliphate, or ignoring the principle of precedence and service in Islam, as well as affirming the importance of power and influence and attaining to rule, constitutes a revolt against the Islamic principle which holds that the source of rule is Allah.

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