Download Conceptual Profiles: A Theory of Teaching and Learning by Eduardo F. Mortimer, Charbel N. El-Hani PDF

By Eduardo F. Mortimer, Charbel N. El-Hani

The language of technology has many phrases and words whose that means both adjustments in differing contexts or alters to mirror advancements in a given self-discipline. This booklet provides the authors’ theories on utilizing ‘conceptual profiles’ to make the educating of context-dependent meanings more advantageous. constructed over twenty years, their idea starts off with a popularity of the coexistence within the scholars’ discourse of these substitute meanings, even when it comes to medical ideas reminiscent of molecule, the place the dissonance among the classical and smooth perspectives of an analogous phenomenon is an permitted norm. What begun instead version of conceptual swap has developed to include a sociocultural technique, by way of drawing on rules equivalent to located cognition and Vygotsky’s influential proposal of culturally positioned studying. additionally trained by way of pragmatist philosophy, the method has grown right into a well-rounded idea of educating and studying clinical ideas. The authors have taken the chance during this e-book to increase their rules additional, count on and reply to criticisms—that of relativism, for example—and clarify how their conception should be utilized to investigate the instructing of middle techniques in technological know-how akin to warmth and temperature, existence and organic variation. in addition they document at the implementation of a study software that correlates the responsiveness in their method to the entire major advancements within the box of technological know-how schooling. this extra fabric will tell educational dialogue, evaluate, and extra enhancement in their concept and examine model.

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Countless “scientific words” are also used in everyday experiences and, consequently, show several meanings other than those compatible with scientific points of view. In a conceptual profile, this means that one or more modes of thinking which are not compatible with the scientific ones will be present. In the face of this heterogeneity, what does it mean to say that a student learns about atoms at school? We argued above that the different meanings of a concept that coexist in an individual and are modeled as zones in a conceptual profile can be accessed in appropriate contexts.

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Cervantes, A. (1987). Los conceptos de calor y temperatura: Una revision bibliografica [The concepts of heat and temperature: A literature review]. Enseñanza de las Ciencias, 5, 66–70. 1 Conceptual Profiles: Theoretical-Methodological Bases of a Research Program 31 Chi, M. T. H. (1992). Conceptual change within and across ontological categories: Examples from learning and discovery in science. In R. N. ), Cognitive models of science (Minnesota studies in the philosophy of science, Vol. XV). Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press.

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