Download Building the death railway: the ordeal of American POWs in by Robert Sherman La Forte, Ronald E. Marcello PDF

By Robert Sherman La Forte, Ronald E. Marcello

The Oscar-winning motion picture 'Bridge Over the River Kwai' dramatized to thousands the construction of the notorious jap 'Death Railway' - the provision line for Japan's deliberate invasion of India in the course of international warfare II. however the motion picture informed purely a part of the tale, giving the impact that each one males engaged on the road have been British. in reality, 668 americans - serving at the USS Houston and with the Texas nationwide Guard's moment Battalion - labored along the opposite Allied troops within the jungle camps. In 'Building the dying Railway', their tale is instructed for the 1st time. In 22 interviews with American survivors, we study the main points in their long ordeal. sickness, punishment, camaraderie, paintings stipulations and makes an attempt to flee are defined by way of the boys who have been there. the tale starts off with their seize and ends with their liberation forty two months later. The Burma-Thailand 'Death Railway' used to be the most terrible sentences a prisoner of warfare may undergo. millions died within the jungles of Burma. greater than a hundred thirty americans - one guy in 5 - by no means back domestic, sufferers of overlook, abuse, hunger and affliction. 'Building the demise Railway' provides the yankee standpoint on occasions that stunned the area.

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I've seen these Indian fire walkers, and I'm going to tell you that that smarts. Yes, that was really a horrible thing. "Finally, our trip ended. We got to wherever we were supposed to go, I guess. My group was housed in a small schoolhouse alongside of a canal behind which was a larger house where there were some Japanese, a small detachment of some type. In our group by that time were the original Americans, two Englishmen that the Japs had picked up along the road who were members of a radio group, and one Dutch soldier.

Shells were exploding all over the place. Pieces of the teakwood deck were flying in the air. "I went down on the port side of the bow. I knew that there was a boom, a boat boom, there. I went over the side and lowered myself onto the boom, and then I jumped into the water from the boom. I started to swim as rapidly as I could away from the ship. I remember the sensation. Shells were exploding in the water, and I remember my stomach hitting my backbone; it just kept bouncing back and forth. I remember that I only had one objective in mind, and that was to get away from the ship because the suction would take me down with it.

PHILIP BLOEMSMA AND HENRI HEKKING, AND THOSE WHO NEVER CAME BACK Page vii Contents Introduction ix 1. The Capture 1 Otto Schwarz, USS Houston 4 Paul Papish, USS Houston 13 Luther Prunty, Battery F 25 Raymond D. Reed, Medical Detachment 34 2. Bicycle Camp 43 J. O. ("Jack") Burge, USS Houston 46 Lester C. Rasbury, Headquarters Battery 56 Clark L. Taylor, Headquarters Battery 68 3. The Road to Burma 79 Donald C. Brain, USS Houston 82 Selclon D. Reese, USS Houston 91 Garth Slate, Battery F 99 4. The Death Railway 113 Edward Fung, Battery F 121 Crayton R.

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