By O.A. Jones (Eds.)
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40 20 51 40 38 18 9 57 38 18 1 Fig. 3. Profiles of atoll and barrier reef lagoons, and of a submerged bank, showing accordant lagoon depths and smooth floors. A. Funafuti, Ellice Islands; B. Diego Garcia Atoll, Chagos Archipelago; C. Nairai, Fiji; D. Tizard Bank, China Sea. Depths are given in meters, vertical exaggeration χ 3 . Source: Daly (1915, p. 193). convex upwards, with unconsumed residuals in places; these conditions are not met in nature, since lagoon floors are generally concave. Lastly, Daly's theory makes predictions about the age, thickness, and lateral dimensions of modern surface reefs.
F. (1930). The coral reefs in the East Indian Archipelago, their distribution and mode of development. Proc. Pac. Set. Congr. 4th, 1929 Vol. ΠΑ, pp. 55-S9; Vol. IIB, pp. 989-1021. Nesteroff, V. D. (1955a). Les Recifs coralliens du Banc Farsan Nord (Mer Rouge). Result. Set. Camp. "Calypso" Ann. Inst. Oceanog. (Monaco), 30, 7-53. Nesteroff, V. D. (1955b). Quelques resultats geologiques de la campagne de la "Calypso" en Mer Rouge (1951-1952). Deep-Sea Res. 2„ 274-283. Newell, N. , and Rigby, J. K.
The entire limestone column consists of lagoonal or shallow-water reef deposits, mostly laid down in water less than 75 m deep (Todd and Post, 1954; Cole, 1957). Three horizons have been found, at 91, 335, and 847 m, where aragonite has been replaced by calcite, indicating emerg- 1 1926 GREAT 2 1937 BARRIER 4 1Θ96-Θ FUNAFUTI 3 1960 REEF 5 K-1B 34CK Top Of Reef Iinnestone | "\A,| Dolomitic HHH Carbonaceous | J * * * * | Volcanic m [ 6 1951 - 1 9 5 2 ENIWETOK F-1 7 E-1 Θ 1947 BIKINI 9 1936 KITA-DAITO JIMA 10 S 1965 MIDWAY 11 12 R D-E 13 1964-1965 MURUROA D-W 14 C 39 <| Top of Eocene!