Download Africa's anthropological dictionary on love and by Peter Ateh-Afac Fossungu PDF

By Peter Ateh-Afac Fossungu

This ebook offers with love, marriage/family, and witchcraft matters yet its principal query is still that of even if love with no knowing is love. Tackling love from a lot broader and interdisciplinary angles than simply the love-making that the majority love tales frequently concentrate on, it advances the duo of affection and realizing because the origin of any profitable marriage/family. even though Momany is blessed with usually simply discovering this infrequent duo, the tensions of belonging in Cameroon were consistent and protracted demanding situations. The ebook uniquely increases and brings new and ground-breaking views on its subject-matters, evidently leaving many social scientists with a lot to do extra study on.

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First, he felt the great and urgent need for the ‘revolution’ in Yoke that helped in bringing in lovoldious (bold-in-love) Emelda. Secondly, he did not feel the need to employ the most pronounced aspect of the Ritaian crisebacology until four years later when his “destiny with many refused to be put aside for secondary schools” (Fossungu, 2013a: 55). That is, when there were some petty differences between his class and the then high-handed school administration that saw only the dismissal of the entire class as the solution.

But Momany had just completed class six in SHS when his papa was transferred back to Victoria. These transfers and Momany’s love life! Always together in class for three years, Rita and Momany were to be torn apart (just like had happened earlier with Annastasia) and it was no secret that they both ached and cried a lot. ” Momany is, of course, referring particularly to the Ritaian crisebacology of not only love and academics, but other attributes that obviously enhanced both his staying powers in the household and 28 his ability to progress in it; as could be seen in the reminder of his primary school evolution, and beyond.

Not just because of her daunting beauty but especially because she was 20 sending away the other girl that was sharing the two-place bench with her. She very strategically had a place already reserved for Momany by the time the teacher asked him to find a place and settle down. How could he have rationally refused her appetizing and smiling invitation to sit by her? Just telling him her name alone (to leave out the sharp contrast in their complexion) had instantly flashed Momany’s mind back to the woman with the same name who first awakened the sleeping love in him.

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