Download A User Guide to Successfully Fighting Traffic Tickets by Andrea De Santis PDF

By Andrea De Santis

Pay no effective - A consumer consultant to effectively scuffling with site visitors Tickets

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This section should establish the officer’s normal operating methods. 1. Does your radar unit have an audio Doppler? That is, a continuous audio signal tone that converts the radar unit’s Doppler shift into an audible tone? This answer should be yes unless the radar unit is a Speedgun. If it is a Speedgun, skip to question 13. 2. Does the audio Doppler have a volume control? It does. 3. Do you ever use your audio Doppler? If no, ask the question one more time and skip to question 13. If he says yes, press on.

Do you believe the (actual unit used) gives spurious or false readings? This is a crucial question. If he says no, you can likely catch him with he manufacturer’s documentation (remember your subpoena). He will likely reply that he has never seen any false readings. If so, skip the next question. 6. About what percent of the time does your radar unit give these false readings? Make a note of the percentage. 7. Do you believe that you can always tell when the unit is giving a false reading? He will likely say that he can always tell, which sets up your upcoming reasonable doubt argument later in your presentation.

If his citation reads: “NBI45” then all he can testify to is NBI45 not North Bound on Interstate Highway 45. As you can see, the citation notes in this case will hurt the officer’s testimony and help your case. OBJECTION: Narrative In this instance, the officer is telling a story (or narrative) rather than answering specific questions from the prosecutor. You have a right to decide if a particular question would have an objectionable response. By simply telling his version of the events without questions, you have no opportunity to object.

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