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By Susan Lalic

Every thing the chess participant desired to be aware of yet was once afraid to invite.

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You will be less aware of the 8 Improvement Karpov prefers technical positions What is the best way to improve early on? with few tactics, although that is not You must play and play and play. to say that he cannot calculate accu­ the piano or rately. He has a fantastic feel for is nigh to where the pieces belong and is quite impossible as you must concentrate happy to grind down a position in on every little aspect, but gradually the endgame where he is able to It is like ,driving. learning At first it it becomes easier and easier until it convert the smallest of advantages.

I idea, but that's life! of chess terms that will remember being confused by the I accidentally hit on a novelty word "birdie" in golf and thinking it many years ago just before a famous meant that a ball hit a poor low grandmaster flying bird, so it is important not to tournament. assume that everyone knows exactly rightly went un noticed as the follow what you are talking about. up was totally unconvincing and it I guess we will never achieve total used it However, in a my top game took place against a weak opponent.

He explained that it is easier for most 6 Tournaments and matches What is the shortest game of chess? Two moves is the quickest way to give checkmate, although one's opponent must be pretty o bliging. It has been named "Fool's Mate" and it comes about when White plays a couple of crazy moves on the kingside and allows Black to deliver mate on his second move. ) and be obliged to move it. �e7 and there follows 3 'i'xe5 mate Which quick methods of checkmate do I need to be aware of? The above is most unlikely to happen but there is an unusual mate in three that occasionally happens in school chess.

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