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By Joyce A. Ladner

In response to interviews performed in significant towns within the US, this research specializes in remarkable non-governmental leaders who've constructed potent suggestions to the advanced difficulties of yank internal towns, together with schooling, financial improvement and neighborhood security.

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We are starting from scratch in Four Corners. S. Attorney’s Office, and the Massachusetts Department of Probation, among others. The purpose of Operation Ceasefire was to identify areas of gang activity, to inform gang members that they would be swiftly prosecuted for law violations, and to respond quickly to reported violations and other forms of trouble. 9 Eugene Rivers readily acknowledges that the Ten-Point Coalition worked closely with Operation Ceasefire, negotiating, for example, with the police department to have youth offenders remanded to the Azusa Christian Community instead of being incarcerated.

Moses sums up his strategy for achieving change in the lives of the young people he works with: The teacher is able to impress upon the child that learning is a function of effort, not of innate ability. The curriculum helps the students to raise their consciousness, so that they can affirm for themselves their own need for selfdevelopment. 1 The Ten-Point Coalition is an ecumenical group of street ministers that formed immediately after what came to be known as the Morning Star attack. The attack occurred in 1992 and involved the beating and repeated stabbing of twenty-one-year-old Jerome Brunson by fourteen hooded men outside the Morning Star Baptist Church.

I was kind of sorry I saw what was going on—but not really. I think I was happy I saw what was going on. That day was just so unsettling and downright ugly that it made me, as a sixteen-year-old 46 ON BECOMING A NEW URBAN LEADER person, become interested in something more than the White Sox and girls, which was about the total of my interest at the time. I decided that somebody had to think about neighborhood change and neighborhood deterioration and be on the side of right as opposed to the side of wrong.

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