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By Terry Bamford (auth.)

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The clearest formulation of the knowledge base required for practice is supplied by Bartlett (1970): 1 Human development and behaviour, and the reciprocal influences of man and the total environment. 2 Psychology with particular reference to the psychology of giving help. 3 Communication, and how words, gestures and activities convey messages. 4 Group process, and the reciprocal relationships between the individual and the groups. 5 The impact of culture, including religious beliefs, law, values and other social institutions on individuals, groups and communities.

The approved social worker was given, under the Mental Health Act, responsibilities for which specialist training and expertise beyond that of other social workers was required. There is discussion of replicating that model particularly in the context of child care. A precedent exists in the appointment of guardians ad litem from the ranks of experienced and skilled practitioners. The shifting organisational emphasis has now to reflect the greater entrepreneurialism demanded by both the Audit Commission and Griffiths.

The first two groups may be intractable, but there are ways of bridging the interface between field and residential work. Keyworker is a phrase which is frequently bandied about but not always with the clarity that one would wish. Developed in a general statement between BASW and RCA (1976), the concept gives responsibility for carrying out the agreed plan in relation to a client to one designated worker. The task of the worker, who may come from either field or residential settings, is to see that the plan is carried through by the parties involved.

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