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By Robyn Young

The cataclysmic end to the foreign bestselling Brethren trilogy

1295 A. D. The Christian empire within the Holy Land lies in ruins. Returning to Paris, Knight Templar Will Campbell is at a crossroads. He has sworn to uphold the foundations of the Anima Templi, a mystery brotherhood in the Order whose goal is peace, yet peace turns out ever extra most unlikely.

The Temple has cast an alliance with Will's enemy, King Edward of britain, vowing to assist him salary struggle on Scotland. Will now faces a sour selection: to stick with the Temple and struggle one other struggle he does not think in, or to wreck his vows and forge his personal route to peace, no matter if that too ability fighting...for the Scots. Will is unaware that a fair extra ominous probability is emerging, for there's a warrior king at the throne of France whose wish for supremacy understands no bounds and who will cease at not anything to satisfy his twisted goals. The struggle for the holy land is over, however the Temple's final conflict has simply begun...

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Will, watching the grand master address the friar, was struck by an image. He saw himself standing on a platform in a church beside another grand master, who was trying to convince a belligerent throng to agree to a peace with the Muslims. The people of Acre hadn’t listened; had called that man a traitor, then paid the price in the massacre that followed. “We could no more hope to hold back the Saracens than we could hope to stop the tide coming in,” continued Jacques, turning his forceful gaze on the crowd.

It was so formal, so insipid. Rose gave a tight shrug. “Because Andreas assured me you would be given a good position here. ” Will stared at the muddy ground, unable to look at her rigid face. ” “Then I suppose it must be fine,” she retorted. The wind lifted her hair and she pushed it back again. As she did so, Will saw the scars on her hand, where she had been burned. Her skin was rawlooking and shriveled. She caught him looking at it and folded her arms. “I want to know that you’re happy,” Will said, aware of how helpless he sounded.

Demanded Jacques, striding up to the friar, the crowd parting like water before him. He was a huge figure among them, the large red cross on his back outlined in gold: a blaze of color amid their drab grays and browns. ” “I am a speaker of truth,” replied the friar defiantly, coming down the steps to confront Jacques. The crowd was stirring with excitement, expecting some drama. ” The friar turned to his audience, his voice rising. “For two hundred years the mighty Temple has taken not only the money of kings and princes, but also alms from generous, good people such as yourselves, proclaiming it is protecting Christian pilgrims in the East.

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